You can find anything about space in social media. There are many accounts and pages that cover this topic but only a few ones do it right. For me, YouTube is the best source of information regarding stars and their surroundings. Everything is explained visually, which helps a lot when the concept is complicated. Also, because YouTube users are not professionals, the explanations are made for regular people. For example, the channel I always talk about (Quantum Fracture), has a very unique and easy way to create content about physics and space. And like him many more.
Another YouTube channel that I also like watching is Space X. This is the Elon Musk company that recently put two astronauts into the ISS. This company has made huge advances in space travels, but specially on reducing the cost of such activity. They’ve created rockets that will come back to the landing zone once they deploy the space capsule passed the stratosphere. On their channel, they show all the improvements they make and all the process and testing of these innovative rockets.