There are so many webs that can teach you about the space and from each one we can learn other things.
The one I use the most is Stuff in space, it shows the earth from the space and the points are all the stars, satellites and it is in real time which means that if you launch it at night you are going to see your country with the lights on.
The page that I use for searching information is Space, in this web they upload the latest news related to outer space which makes it interesting and useful for this blog.
The Size of Space, a new website, invites us to take an amazing journey, starting with a tiny astronaut and zooming out to take us to the limits of the known universe. We can manage the rhythm that makes the experience more intense, since this way we have enough time to internalize what we are seeing at all times.
Have you ever wondered to be in a planetrium but don't have enough time to go? Now with Stellarium not having time is not more an excuse. When you click on the hyperlink it takes you to a web which shows you the sky you are going to see that night.
Try on each one of the pages!!!
-Starship till next time-
