Someone whose prominent in this field of space is Neil Armstrong, who was the first man on the moon. He studied aeronautical engineering in Purdue University, and the U.S. The Navy had paid for his full college tuition. His school was cut short when he was called up for the Korean War where he had flown a Grumman F9F Panther , and was forced to jump out after it had lost a wing. After the war he had finished school and had gotten his bachelor's degree. His first flight in outer space had been in 1966. He had finally been able to launch into space with his pilot Buzz Aldrin and had landed on July 20,1969. When he had stepped on the moon his famous quote “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”, which showed how just getting there and walking on the moon he had done something very historic in history. He had returned and gotten awards from president Richard Nixon, and Jimmy Carter. The reason I chose him as my person to represent is because back home in the US we really look up to him for what he did in our history. Being able to go to NASA too it was amazing seeing his story and the parts of the ship that he had been on
