"I would give everything I know, for half of what I ignore" -Rene Descartes
Undoubtedly there are many more things that we don't know than know, specially when it comes to the mysteries that the space and stars hide. Talking about our infinite universe is not that simple, there are many theories out there that try to explain all the things we don't know. These theories that try to explain different aspects such as how the universe works, or how we were created, just proof the fact that we know little to nothing about the topic. Were we created by an omnipotent cosmic being? Or did the big bang create us by pure coincide? I will be using diverse sources that point out different theories on how we were created, and how it all relates to the stars and space that we can see through our telescopes. The wonders of Space say a lot about how we were made, and through this blog I want to explore what the stars have to say about the different mysteries of our existence.
