Out of this world!
I had never really known much about space or had really paid attention to it if I'm being completely honest. So I joined this group so I could begin to learn more about this topic. I'm always a down to earth person and think of many things going on within this world but I always forget how we're just one small planet in this gigantic galaxy. It's crazy to see how theirs stars, planets, black holes, meteors, and many other things out there, and to think that theirs more than one galaxy, that's insane. I'm amazed how many new discoveries mankind have made like recently i saw on social media how scientists discovered 2 new black holes which is kind of scary knowing how they are like a powerful vacuum cleaner in space. It's going to be fun learning new things , and can't wait to blog about this amazing topic.
More than meets the eye
When I was a kid, me and my dad used to go out at night and just stare at the sky in search of constellations, shooting stars, and even planets. Then, my interest in the night sky and everything that comes with it grew as I did, so I started looking for even more thing such as satellites like the ISS (international space station). I also found an app that tells you what star you’re looking at by just pointing at it with your phone and an app that tracks the ISS and tells you when you would be able to see it from the earth. Later, I watched the movie “Interstellar” and my teacher explained us how dimensions and black holes work, so that also feed my interest about space. I am basically fascinated about the fact that there is so much more out there, and there’s a big percentage of it that remains unknown to us. I would be happy to embark on this beautiful journey about what’s out there, and about everything our eye can, and cannot see whenever we look up to our empty but full big roof.
Santi Millán

Corona Borealis
Why this topic?
I really think wide inside me that each body has a part of out space in his skin.
One time, not long ago, but I am not able to say where I read that big bodies reflect themselves in smaller bodies.
In my case, this reflection is situated in my right arm where I have the Corona Borealis
-Starship till next time-
Clara Privé
I have always been fascinated by the idea or even the possibility of an unexplored outside world. I personally believe that there is nothing more interesting and at the same time attractive than space itself, or even if we want to go into more detail the same universe. A simple space that gathers all, all that in its terms we don’t even know about a half part of it, not even a fourth part. It is just mind-blowing.
I think people should sometimes stop what they are doing, stop it just for a moment and just get them selfs outside to admire our small proportion of “the ALL”. It's good to know that not everything revolves around us, in fact it has never been like that.
-Sofía Tomás

The wonders of space
It´s amazing to think that in contrast to how immense the Universe is, we humans live in a small planet that´s the size of grain of salt. A grain of salt called planet earth which we; humans, trees, and animals, call it home. Through this blog, my intention is to analyze not only the scientific composition of all the wonders of space (stars, black holes, and planets, etc.) but also how they work and the mysteries they keep. Where do we come from? How did we end up alive and well on planet earth? Could become extinct? Is there life anywhere else other than planet earth? There are just some questions we make ourselves that only the stars know the answer, which makes it our duty to analyze, theorize, and plant ourselves the most likely solution based on everything we know about space. This blog will not only be about scientific and relevant information about everything stated above, but also for the theories and ideas (like the Big Bang Theory) that try to explain our existence. The more knowledge we have about stars and space, the closer we get to solving all of our unanswered questions we make ourselves every day. But more than anything, the more knowledge we have, the more capable we are of understanding how beautiful, unique, and mysterious the wonders of space are.